CSU Chico Central Utility Plant
Chico, CA

California State University Chico
DLR Group
General Contractor
Otto Construction
Year Complete
6,900 sq. ft.
Contract Type
Design Assist
Project Overview
The Project consists of several components to upgrade the infrastructure at the existing campus central plant including a 6,900 sq. ft. building addition, two boilers, one chiller, a thermal energy storage tank (TES tank), a cooling tower, and the removal of the existing boilers.
Mechanical Highlights
(1) 340,097 Gallon 20,000 Ton Hour TES Tank servicing the entire campus
(2) 800 HP Steam Boilers and Deaerator capable of 55,200 lbs. of steam per hour with emergency auxiliary fuel hookups
(1) Additional 1800 Ton Chiller with the capability of one future chiller in the new CUP which brings the total chillers to 4
(1) 5,000 GPM Cooling Tower
(1) 85 HP Condenser Water pump
(1) 30 HP Chilled Water Pump
(1) 900,000 Grain Capacity Water Softener
This brings the total plant cooling capacity to 7200 tons!